Pitchaya (Pear) Koowattanataworn. 
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Pear, from Bangkok… is a messy designer who loves visual cleanliness,

a clumsy perfectionist,

a free-spirit in a workplace,

a city person who loves nature,

and a planner for spontaneity.

She’s obsessed with collecting objects, but for the sake of making images.


Graduating project: The Charm of Malfunction 

A book project focusing on aesthetic of the broken things, misplacement and malfunction, both literally and symbolically broken. 

Produced in a lockdown in Paris, in 2020-2021, the project embraces any materials close at hands… everyday objects, leftovers, cheap finds from flea market or even trashes that look interesting. Through a creative process called “Object collage”, found parts are deconstructed and rejoined into new wholes — temporary sculptures that represent the idea to create new values such as alternative function, creativity, visual pleasure or amusement.

Project mentor: Philippe Jarrigeon